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Membership Types



Open to the following individuals subscribing to the mission and ethics of WAAO: individuals certified by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue and employed by governmental bodies to perform assessment work – individuals employed by the Department of Revenue that perform or administrate assessment work - agents employed by municipalities to defend assessments. Regular members have voting privileges.




Open to individuals subscribing to the mission and ethics of WAAO such as: employees of governmental bodies indirectly involved in the assessment of property - property listers, municipal clerks, agents or staff of companies that provide support and training for assessment software used in Wisconsin, employees of educational institutions that provide a course of study in assessment or assessment administration, individuals working toward assessor certifications and employment that would qualify them as regular members, and students that are beyond the maximum of 4 years for student membership but not yet employed so as to qualify for regular membership. Associate members do not have voting privileges.




Open to individuals subscribing to the mission and ethics of WAAO not eligible for regular or associate membership that are interested in property assessment and taxation. Subscribing members do not have voting privileges.




Open To former “Regular” members that continue to subscribe to the mission and ethics of WAAO and are not employed in any capacity which qualify them for any other membership category. Retired regular members have the same rights as Regular members.




Available for a maximum of four years to individuals in a program of study on assessment administration, real estate, appraising, or related subjects at a qualifying institution. Student members do not have voting privileges.

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